09/12/2011 00:08




I’m a Man,....

at least now.....

Though in my eyes,....

I have yet to reach its height.....

I’m a Man nonetheless,....

Because I aggressively attack ....

my ego....

like an urban-guerilla....

in camouflage fatigues,....

hanging upside down from a tree,....

waiting on it to make its way....

around my corner.....

Other times,....

I lie in wait in the bushes....

For the ambush.....

The change I seek....

starts with self.”....

So, I’m engaged in a revolution....


A relentless,....

loyal soldier.....

A man.....

There’s a coward....

hiding from me,....

in me,....

my scope is looking for—....

he’s not gon run no more!....

No more wrapping itself in....

complacent comforters.....

No more....

running from its humanity.....

An utter coward,....

scared to express Love,....

his own essence,....

the sustenance for creation.....

But sometimes....

the predator gets preyed upon;....

and before I realize it,....

I’m taking the coward’s way,....

running from the light....

into the dark crevices of my mind,....

til I realize....


I’m the one with the gun!....

But I realize.....

And that’s what makes me....

A Man.....

.. ..

The other day,....

A comrade asked me,....

do you need anything?”....

I said, “a hug.”....

Yet, it’s beyond that.....

Though I’m a realist,....

understanding the ramifications....

of my confinement,....

I can’t take the coward’s way.....

I must say,....

I need affection,....

a woman’s caress, and....

I want to be held,....

with my waves rubbed ....

til I fall asleep.....

Then, awaken,....

sometimes held,....

not always doing the holding.....

Bottles of hot water....

line my bunk,....

like a woman,....

between me and the frozen ....


keeping me warm at night.....

Awakening to a frozen Warden and Major....

who feel I should die....

before the state takes my life.....

.. ..

Life is more than....

merely breathing—....

it’s feeling,....

feeling in places never known,....

with feelings never owned.....

.. ..


is why my captors....

can’t get me to follow their “rules.”....

I’m a Man.....
